Introduction to Green Buildings
Green buildings are structures having positive impacts on our environment. These buildings are eco-friendly and contain non-toxic materials. Materials used in Green buildings are obtained from natural, renewable resources that have been managed and harvested in a sustainable way. Sustainable development is to make the world a better place for everyone without destroying the possibilities for the next generation.
Sustainability and Green Buildings
Sustainability of any process can be easily assessed by answering a simple question: Can you keep doing this again and again, forever? The typical construction process requires materials that can only be used once, are not degradable once demolished and usually have negative impacts on the environment. Cement, for example, requires huge amounts of energy to produce and produce toxic gases in the process. But the use of wood or fiber panels that are produced in an environment-friendly way and can be reused or repurposed is eco-friendly. If required, buildings built using these materials can be demolished with little to no impact on the ecology.
Sustainable development ensures that what we are doing now is better for us but should also help our future generations and an endless cycle should exist. Smarter use of natural resources will help our future generations.
Green buildings are one of the examples of sustainable development. In the construction of the green building, we maintain a delicate balance between environmental, social and economic issues.

Considerations for Green Buildings
A green building has following key elements or components which are incorporated in the design:
· Site Selection: The building site is selected so that no natural features of the landscape are damaged or disturbed. Important facilities for the inhabitants such as transit or hospitals are easy to access.
· Design: The building is designed to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants. The building is easily accessible. The building incorporates features of the natural landscape and blends into its surroundings.
· Materials: Only high quality, non-toxic and renewable materials are used. Waste materials of other processes (such as coal ash from coal power plants or plastic waste) can also be incorporated in the building.
· Energy: The building is designed to minimize energy losses. Most of the energy is produced through non-perishable sources such as Solar Energy or Wind Energy. Natural Light and Wind are used to reduce electricity usage.
· Air Quality: Using the aforementioned factors, air quality is improved. Ventilation systems with humidity controls are used to control the climate inside the building. Good quality filters for filtering out allergens and pathogens are also incorporated.
· Water: Minimum amount of water is used in the construction process while ensuring that water quality in the surrounding is not impacted by the building or construction processes. Purified water is supplied through high-quality plumbing to the inhabitants.
· Ecology: Environmental factors are considered, and it is ensured that minimum disturbance is produced to the natural ecology of the surroundings.
· Adaptability: Green buildings can incorporate changes stemming from the everchanging environmental conditions. As the building demands increase, the building can be easily modified with minimal losses.

From the Foundations to the Finishing, every step is taken while caring for the environment.
The building itself contains eco-friendly materials, fine-tuned lightning control, energy-efficient electronics, etc. Wastewater management systems which can allow us to reuse the waste. Rainwater is stored and used instead of allowing it to go to waste. The use of renewable sources of energy, mostly solar energy which is converted into different forms of energy or when we don’t have the sun as a source of energy can use other renewable resources such as wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass, etc.

Benefits of Green Buildings
As mentioned previously, three parameters are of utmost importance: social impact, economic impact, and environmental impact.
· Green buildings allow for better societal structures by facilitating a healthy environment for people. Such structures often include areas having plants that uplifts the spirits of inhabitants. They are designed to allow maximum utilization of natural light and wind which also have a positive impact on human health.
· Economically, green buildings have a higher initial cost as compared to typical structures but have a higher salvage value, i.e. parts of green building can be reused or repurposed hence offsetting their higher costs in the long term.
· Green buildings are designed and constructed in an eco-conscious way. Wastage is minimized and harmful chemicals are limited. Surroundings are preserved and protected. Efforts are also made to improve the surrounding landscapes.
Green Buildings in Pakistan
Green buildings have an extensive list of advantages, but we do not see green buildings around us. The main reason being a lack of awareness about these benefits.
In developing countries like Pakistan, where pollution, water shortage, and deforestation are on the rise, these buildings provide a viable alternative to our typical construction practices. The rising population will only add to the problems being faced by the country so a swift shift to greener practices is now warranted.
It will not be wrong to state that Pakistan does not emphasize on sustainable development. This is due to several reasons which include poverty, lack of resources, lack of government interest, ignorance of the environmental situation and so on. In Karachi, for example, people live in buildings 15 or more floors. Due to a lack of sustainability; water crisis, lack of wastewater treatment, sewerage issues, waste disposal issues, etc. are rampant in the city
Into the Future
The future of humankind depends on the decisions we make today. Green buildings and eco-friendly decisions will make our lives easier and healthier. Our future generations require us to make the right choices. We must choose between a greener future or a drab grey future with little to enjoy.
Article By:
Ahmed Ibrahim and Irtiza Naveed
Cover Graphic by:
Ali Usama